My absolute favorite thing in the world is Beyblade!

- Valt Aoi, Burst Episode 1


"I just gotta remember the 'fundamentals'."

"Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush Launch!"

"We're not enemies. We're rivals."

"So close, yet feels so far. What's the point of even setting my alarm?!"

"You catch that, Honcho? He's [Daigo] a fan. A fan of me! This guy right here!"

"Not all of us can pull off wearing a cape to school everyday."

"My Bey isn't the problem, here. I just need to practice more! It's totally my fault!"

"Calm down now, Valt. You practiced; you got it under control. Just chill your jets. But man, I can't stand that guy!"

"Don't say that. Please...just...don't act like we're not friends!"

"If you knew anything, you'd know Shu's all about the cowbell!"

"You're probably learning a lot about Beyblade with all the data you're collecting. But nobody wants to feel like they're being used as a lab rat. As long as you're upfront about it, everybody's happy." 

”There’s nothing like battling with him! I miss Shu!”

"Spring Attack! Go Valtryek!!"

"Ultra Attack Mode is only as hard as snails! Don't use it!" 

"That guy needs to seriously chill." 

"Most of the credit has to go to Valtryek!"

"I was so scared I thought I was gonna turn into a zombie!" 


"Balkesh is trying to tell you that it's not ready to give up."

"It doesn't matter whether you lose or win. It's about having fun" 

"It's not right! Shu's still in there! I'M NOT GONNA STAND FOR THIS!!"

"Shu, you're the only reason I'm able to stand here today! I owe everything to you!"

"I'm still here, and I'm not giving up on you. I've got your back." 

"I came this far to give you the match you deserve. I made it, and I'm gonna win!"

"So, dude, wanna keep battling?"

"I want to make Valtryek the world's strongest turbo bey."