
"First you are a person looking at a chessboard. You calculate through the various alternatives, the mind gaining speed as it pores through the complexities, until consciousness of one's separation from the position ebbs away and what remains is the sensation of being inside the energetic chess flow. Then the mind moves with the speed of an electrical current, complex problems are breezed through with an intuitive clarity, you get deeper and deeper into the soul of the chess position, time falls away, the concept of "I" is gone, all that exists is blissful engagement, pure presence, absolute flow."

Josh Waitzkin

Slow LIVE Chess Association
Slow LIVE Chess Association 4,057 חברי מועדון
Team Palestine
Team Palestine 3,305 חברי מועדון
TEAM EUROPE 6,386 חברי מועדון
FREE WORLD 3,775 חברי מועדון