
I love chess so much I have 3 websites:

chess.com ( Username: This account, pihuthepromotedpawn )

lichess.org (Username: VaishnaviSoni, Paihu )

chesskid.com/play (Username: MiniFabulousCamera )

I also participate in rapid tournaments whenever I can. Plus, I join lots of clubs. I joined so many that I don’t even think about listing them all. Chess is my most favorite game.

Ellies Bubbly Club
Ellies Bubbly Club 457 חברי מועדון
Cheating Forum
Cheating Forum 8,798 חברי מועדון
iCHESS 4,735 חברי מועדון
Stop the unacceptable pairs
Stop the unacceptable pairs 3 חברי מועדון