
Hello from the east coast of Canada.

Favorite chess quote...." In chess you must take your opponent into a deep dark forest where 2 + 2 = 5, and the path leading out,  is only wide enough for one." M. Tal

Canadian OTB rating 2050. I play on Lichess too, same handle. My profile photo is the great german writer/philosopher Frederick Nietzsche. I read his book Thus Spoke Zarathrustra twice in my 20s and again a few years ago, it is so dense in metaphorical meaning,  I hope to truely understand it someday.

Chess peaves....1) takeback requests...I never ask for or grant those requests, its against the spirit of chess....2) It is a long standing ethic in chess to resign a game when the position is completely lost, its a common courtesy to your opponent. Idiots who make you play to mate do not understand the spirit of chess. If your postion is lost AND your opponent has the time to mate you, RESIGN YOU F***ING IDIOT!!!!

Chess Buddies Canada
Chess Buddies Canada 149 חברי מועדון
Maritime Chess Club
Maritime Chess Club 165 חברי מועדון