
I'm a Pawn/Peasant-Level Hobby-Player, playing Chess just for fun in my leisure time every now and then happy. Winning is not very important for me, as long as I can play nicely and reasonably without making too many silly mistakes happy.

My specific weakness is my "shortage of sight" concerning the diagonal lines \ / of the board: Already many games (even some games in which I already had the upper hand and was almost certainly on my way to victory) I've eventually lost because - again and again - I've accidentally placed important pieces of high value (such as Rooks) into "firing line" of Bishops without noticing that there was a Bishop somewhere else, farther away, on the diagonal line / \. Specifically on this weakness of mine I'd like to practice more in the forthcoming games.

Also note: I'm playing my games un-aided, only "with my own eyes and mind", i.e.: without using any of the supportive analytical auxiliary tools which the website is providing for usage during a game. However, if You wish to use those auxiliary analytical tools during game-playing against me, then please feel free to do so: I've got no objection against Your usage of them, even if I'll get defeated happy.

Because of my busy professional life, I'm only playing games in the "daily" correspondence mode in which I can leave a game "sleeping" for extended periods of time - NO rapid chess!

Communication languages: English, and Deutsch