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Automatikus kezdés
"The Stormlands is one of the nine constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms. It is located on the south east coast of the continent of Westeros, on the shores of the Narrow Sea, south of the Crownlands and north of Dorne. The Stormlands are ruled from the castle of Storm's End by House Baratheon. They are so-named for the savage and frequent storms from the Narrow Sea that batter the coast. It was originally a sovereign nation known as the Storm Kingdom, until Aegon the Conqueror united Westeros under his rule." (Game of Thrones)
Klub statisztika
Monte Carlo Chess club
Monte Carlo Chess club
  • Folyamatban:
  • Összpontszám:
  • Megnyert mérkőzések:
  • Átlag értékszám:
  • Mai rang:
The  American Chess Team
The American Chess Team
  • Folyamatban:
  • Összpontszám:
  • Megnyert mérkőzések:
  • Átlag értékszám:
  • Mai rang: