
Dark romances >>>

Les paroles des gens h/24:

"Tes chiante" Je sais...

"Tu sers à rien" Je sais...

"Tes trop "génante" C'est vrai...

"Je te déteste" ...

"Bdh" Encore...

"Tes jolie" Merci ^_^...

Au fait, envoyé pas de message si je suis aigri, je répondrai pas 🧐 (t'sais la meuf relou)

Parc Asterix>>>>🎀✨❤️

  France is a beautiful country>>>

''Don't worry, I'm fine''... It's not true, I'm not doing well at all, I just want to die...I can't take this life anymore...

Pov: the boy sitting next to me in class when I talk to him (I feel like he's never seen a girl in his life🥲)

Hi~ I'm Mathilde and before adding me as friends (I would happily accept)

Sinon je suis Française et euh voilà ( pour le débat, PSG C'EST MIEUX QUE L'OM ET ON DIT PAIN AU CHOCOLAT !!! ) Les non Français ne peuvent pas comprendre 😂

Read this bio about me first:

Name : Mathilde (you can call me Mathoulde or Ayheon)

Age : between 10 and 15 years old

Date of birth : August 13, 20##

Astrological sign : Leo

Romantic situation : ♡

Emotion right now : just happy 

Qualities that people like about me : sometimes very optimistic, kind, and have sometimes said that I am pretty (I don't believe it lol)

Flaws: I would easily say naive

Crush: ?

Best friends on chess.com:@Marco83630" style="font-family: 'Segoe UI'; font-size: 1.5rem;">

-@Manzana-IcePop-Girl : Kao, the only one who never abandoned me ❤️✨

Dress style: no effort, black oversized sweatshirt and cargo

Hobbies: Kpop, anime and hanging out with my friends

I only say my opinion once and I stop talking about that issue because people learn by making their own mistakes. ...

We need to believe we'll become the one that we want to become. For example, if we want to be attractive, first we must believe that we are very attractive. Whether you believe in opportunities or not, if it's not the right time for you, it will come someday.

I think everyone is tested with new obstacles every single day. I feel bold when I stand up for my own opinions. Whether it be a small decision or a big one that follows large responsibility. I think knowing how to stick up for yourself on a daily basis is definitely a definition for boldness.

Don't trust anyone, the trust you give will be the cause of your downfall.

Les collègiens Français on se comprend 😔👇😂

My best friend is a heroine 🫶🏻

Lisa said : No love letters, no X and O's No love, never, my exes know No diamond rings, that set in stone To the left, better left alone

Jennie said : Diamonds shining, drive in silence, I don't mind it, I'm riding Flying private side by side with the pilot up in the sky And I'm wyling, styling on them and there's no chance 'Cause we got bodies on bodies like this a slow dance

Rosé said :Hate to see you with someone new I'll put a curse on her and you Ain't no looking back, now you're dead and gone My love is gone too

But Jisoo said the most important thing I would like to tell you: All eyes on me

Des ⁠✩⁠suricates⁠✩