
Here's the intro to a paper I wrote for an online high school class. It's quite easy, so I can just have fun with it without worrying about the grade. It was a joy to write, and it tickles me every time I read it(Although the points I make are nonetheless serious). I hope that you can enjoy it too.


Cats are quite rebellious beings, striving to break away from societal norms and wanting

freedom of choice in their actions, no matter how inexplicably unorthodox those may be.

Some attempt to tame these unruly beasts by bringing them into their abode and treating

them as the polite creatures of which they are not, thus resulting in ruined furniture, carpets

spoiled by urine, and hairballs as far as the eye can see. Others elect to keep cats outside,

letting them roam free in the wild from which they came. Regardless of how human beings

have domesticized these creatures, humans have the God-given gift of dominion over

creation. That is why humans may go to and fro, commanding lesser beings as their desires

see fit. One must be aware of how this gift of “dominion” shan’t be exercised. Unfit would it

be for men to control other men. For God embued His Image on all of mankind. The very

image of Our Father contains freedom of choice. If this principle were not true, then the story

of Redemption would be at fault. The redemption of Mankind requires choice, and choice

requires freedom. If freedom were to be ripped from the clutches of any man, his salvation

would also be purloined from his possession. A man cannot be a slave to the great I AM if he

is a slave to an institution such as a church. As not to venture into radicalized viewpoints and

gestures, it is important to clarify that while restraints on religious freedom will hijack one’s

chances at salvation, they will not wholly destroy a man’s offer of salvation but will greatly

hinder it. Do not be mistaken, Religious Freedom is of utmost importance, but it would be

disgraceful to the All-Powerful God to assert that men can keep His Word from shining light

on the world. Nevertheless, leaders of governments and institutions still bear the

responsibility that the path to salvation is not to be hindered.


I appreciate you taking the time to read this! What did you think? 

Feel free to share your thoughts in my notes or through messages. I'd love to hear any comments on it.

I actually had to cut off the end of it for various reasons but I can share the rest if anyone's interested.


 Some things about me:

  • I like to lift weights(haven't been doing it for too long, only the past 8 months or so)
  • I'm technically a senior in high school but am doing full time college classes online with liberty university that serve as dual credit. I'm actually only taking two courses right now but that's because I'm also doing flight training because I'm getting a degree in aviation which will help me get my ATP(Airline Transport Pilot) so I can one day be a pilot for the airliners.
  • I have a baby sister who is one day short of being 15 years apart from me(she was born the day before my 15th birthday).
  • My main goal in chess is to start playing OTB and actually be good. A title eventually would also be cool but I don't like to call it a goal because how far out it is.

Some cool homeslices:

@NinjaSwat- He's pretty cool, sometimes at least. He was kind enough to play a 30|30 game with me a while back.

@B1ZMARK - Provides the BEST feedback and answers to my posts in B&M. I also find his style of play really cool and interesting. 

@RicoRatHe's pretty cool. I enjoy his OTB posts. It gets me excited about finally going to OTB one of these days.

@Bimzo - Great job with reviving the B&M championship


For those who want to know want my user name means:

  • Chr0mePl8ed - Pretty Straight forward, that object is plated with chrome.
  • St0vePipe - Stove pipe is meant to be an exhaust

Put those together and you get a jet. 

I got it from a widely known saying of a pilot talking to ATC:

This is chrome-plated stove pipe triple-nickel eight ball, angels 8,  five in the slot, boots on and laced, and I want your go to bounce and blow

___________ = Type of aircraft(jet)

______________ = Call sign (5558)

______________ = Altitude (8,000 ft)

______________ = Distance from runway (5 mi)

______________ = Gears down and locked

______________ = Asking for permission to land and then take off right away