I am a boy, who is quite young (not gonna reveal) and I like the chessy proverb : 'Only speak when it's time to say "Checkmate" '
I love reading, playing chess and knowing about cars. I love pizza, eggs(not the exam ones!) and many more for items. I like the anime series 'Initial D' I like the character 'Ryosuke Takahashi ' more than the hero.
I am a proud Indian! And I think that why we always have our father's name but not our mother's? So, I put both of their names!
I request you guys to join my club now
Anyone who wishes to join my club are welcome! Kindly join now to expand this community so that we can be 'THE WITTY WHACKERS'
My good friends :-
1] @KNSR0207 - A kind, helpful and cheerful famous person owning a club ( and more maybe ) - Poetic Pawns United
2] @Scemer - Extremely famous person and a kind person.
3] @Stewart_Little65512 - A cool, awesome and friendly person owning the club - The Rock'n Rolla
and many more guys............ (sry if I forgot anyone)
BTW, this is one of my most accurate game without a single inaccuracy, miss or blunder. Just good move, ok move , excellent move, book move and 1 great move!
Plz don't scroll down
Stop! Or else!
Don't you get it?! I WARN YOU! Don't scroll down!
This is your final call, I REPEAT, DON'T SCROLL DOWN!!!
You scrolled down, to get : -