  pneuma(spirit/breath) delic(deity/shines) ~ 

Newest theme is 

Check out my custom themes
I have numerous custom themes, including custom logos. They are of professional quality. The custom logos surpass the default logo in quality & color. To name a few; Red Sox,Summer Day,Bruins,Steelers,Packers,Electric Teal,Blue Breeze... Check back periodically, I will be adding seasonal, sports, & band specialty themes. Any sugggestions or requests, message me. Enjoy

My current favorite group. Click the image and be transported to the



I so much enjoy the cool beat bop flowing of prosody and poetry (especially 'haikai no renga' & it's transformation).

enjoy expression/thought outside the box of stale constructs & linear language.


then Burroughs, Kerouac, Corso, Vonnegut, King, Koontz, Lao Tsu, Tolkien, Frank Peretti ...

Ska, Funk, Rock, Classical ... anything except rap, and trash hip-hop.


Monk (TV),π, Kung Fu (TV '72-'75), Fight Club, Without Limits, What About Bob?, One Flew Over The Cukoos Nest, Juno, Matrix, Benny & Joon, yada-blah-yada

Down with dogma religion and doctrinal arguments. Work out your own salvation with love, awe, dancing, singing, reflection ... embrace the miracle of your faith and share it with humility and mystic joy.


Spinal Cord injured Vet (c6 complete quadriplegia) / lots of typos, pain, death, obstacles, pain, challenges, death, pain, victories, love, freedom, pain, song! Through it all mountain walks, valley talks, eagle's wings - seeing feeling breathing feeding on the magical mystical undefineable ...