  1. "There is therefor no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" Romans 8:1
  2. Amazing video and will give you a new understanding of life
  3. I love music...that's a fact
  4. A few songs that will make u feel happy on a sad day.....hopefully and i just hope that im not the one that made ur day sad cuz it would have been funny but anyway just get to the songs already despicable child!!!!: most emotional piece imo, Nuvole Bianche by Ludovico Einaudi...
  5. Another great piece by Ludovico Einaudi, Experience
  6. A song I love: Walking in the Air by Howard Blake
  7. So Far Away by Nitro Fun(fav song)
  8. Heist by El Tigr3
  9. S.T.A.Y (Interstellar Theme) Madis Remix
  10. Arcade Summer by FM-84
  11. Ride by Twenty One Pilots
  12. Heathens by Twenty One Pilots
  13. Build a Boat by Colton Dixon
  14. Mad world by Gary Jules
  15. 99 Luftballoons by Nena
  16. Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
  17. The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
  18. Zombie by TheCranberries
  19. All The Small Things by blink-182
  20. The Anthem by Good Charlotte
  21. Island In The Sun by Weezer
  22. weird/crazy
  23. Warning: when reading silent's wise words always expect the unexpected
  24. Wise words of silent(me):
  25. "Some emojis are best left alone"
  26. "You must understand, dear childs, that there will be a point in life when you're thinking of that point in life"
  27. "When life is hard, just turn up the music"
  28. "Once a muffin, always a muffin"
  29. "Smirk, it looks good on you đŸ«”đŸ˜đŸ‘Œ"
  30. "Never give up when the opportunity for chocolate is near"
  31. "Even though life is hard, rocks are harder"
  32. "Life may not go the way you want it to, but there's always a cookie in the jar"
  33. "AK + 47 = AK-47"
  34. "Spiders do spider things just as you do you things so fear them not"
  35. "Embrace the silence and you will benefit from it's careful understanding"
  36. "Go beyond the bridge of necessity and be the first to discover what's on the other side"
  37. "Who are those who say there is no hope left? There is always hope in God"
  38. "How do we think? We think in sync"
  39. "Life without music is like a bird without wings"
  40. "Be still, and in peace, for silence composes the nerves"
  41. Things I say:
  42. "Greetings, little amino acid"
  43. "Cya on the other side"
  44. Others: "In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, in that very moment, I also love him"
    -A. Ender Wiggin
  45. "Parting is such sweet sorrow."
    -Juliet Capulet
  46. "We know that God is everywhere; but certainly we feel his presence most when his works are on the grandest scale spread before us; and it is in the unclouded night-sky, where his worlds wheel their silent course, that we read clearest his infinitude, his omnipotence, his omnipresence."
    -Jane Eyre
  47. "Strange, how people seldom look up"
  48. "The best friendships are the ones in which words are not needed"
  49. "One should never go a day without chocolate" (best one ngl)
  50. ok who cares about me? no one needs to like literally know who i am so...ignore what anything says...well i already told you a few things abt me so maybe...idk 
  51. if u have a space monkey just kill it for all i care
  52.   shock< is it just me or is that emoji kinda disturbing?
  53. so um i dont really know why i am saying this stuff
  54. if u want to find where i live i suggest u go to all the chocolate shops around the world cuz im bound to be in at least one of those
  55.  um i like bell peppers.....and raspberries.....and chocolate...oh and orange chicken...oh oh and black russian cake and you could throw mangoes in there...prob other stuff too but....oh ye i like water and salad
  56. promise me u will never laugh like a hilarious madman you has drank an ocean of sriracha and swam in a pool of acid....just plz never do in ur life ok.....?
  57. I am the assassin that lurks behind you yet is never seen until the knife is at your throat and the blood is dripping down, down, down, down and your vision starts to fade, that is when you see the cold grey eyes pierce yours as you fall to the ground
  58. My pfp is practically the most best and perfect picture ai has ever made for me...its just so well...heh
  59. Is it just me or is chocolate chip cookie dough better then the actual cookie?
  60. a vid that i quite agree with
  61. Written by someone of the silence:
  62. The wicked have devised evil and sought to destroy me, but in the name of the Lord, I cut them down. Like twigs in a fire, they became but ash, like a rock in the ocean, they sank down into darkness. Because the Lord is with me, I will not be conquered by the evildoers who plot wickedness. But it is they who will stumble and fall. God will strike them down and by his hand, they will be annihilated. Like a hawk, the Lord will snatch them up and like and axe to a tree, he will cut them down. I will praise his name as long as I live, for in the name of the Lord, I will succeed. 
  63. Introvert