Platininis Narys

1 st in the sea chess tournament (online caritative chess tournament for marine life in california 2021).

 Female vice champion of 59(2022) and the Nord Pas de Calais region(2023).

I was student of IM Benjamin Defromont during aprox. 2years. Ex student of WIM Charlize van Zyl and some topGM 👸🥰.

Female chess player and contributing to the development of the game for more right for women in chess and sport and I like to teach . 

-Equal prize,better mentality...Let s go girls!

Main goal to be a rapid champion and represent France🇨🇵🏳️‍🌈

Have fun! happy.png 

Améliorez vos échecs
Améliorez vos échecs 941 Nariai (-ių)
ChessNerds 5 Nariai (-ių)
The Netherlands
The Netherlands 15 031 Nariai (-ių)
BlitzStream 16 655 Nariai (-ių)