
Im gonna show you 5 chess masters. (●'◡'●)

 1. Gari Kasparov (1963) -

Gari Kasparov began leading the world of chess at the age of 22, being the youngest undisputed world chess champion in 1985. He remained number 1 until his retirement in 2005. But, as they say, every chess master was once a beginner ”, this saying is also valid for champions.

Gari started training at the age of 10, at Mikhail Botvinnik's chess school. In 1978, he accidentally participated in a professional tournament, which he won. Until 1983, it was ranked 2nd in the world. In 1984, he competed for the world title, but lost to Karpov in a 48-game match. The following year, however, he won the title and then successfully defended it 3 times.

After leaving FIDE in 1993, the title remained divided for 13 years. Kasparov eventually lost his title to Kramnik in 2000. In 2005, he announced his retirement after winning the prestigious Linares tournament for the ninth time. He was the number one player in the world when he retired and completely dominated the chess landscape for 20 years.

2.Anatoly Karpov (1951)

Karpov was the youngest master of Soviet chess (15 years), world champion in junior chess in 1969, defeated Korchnoi and Spassky in 1974 and challenged Bobby Fischer for the world title. Fischer withdrew from the championship match and Karpov became champion.

His reign spanned between 1975-1985 and 1993-1999, with 160 first-place tournaments. He lost the title to Garry Kasparov in 1985, after successfully defending him against Kasparov a year earlier.

He won the Linares tournament in 1995, considered to be the most powerful tournament in history. This impressive record certainly qualifies him as one of the greatest chess players in history.

3. Magnus Carlsen (1990)

Magnus Carlsen's chess career is full of great achievements. He was only 13 years old when he won the title of Grand Master in 2004. In 2009, Magnus Carlsen achieved an impressive Elo rating of over 2800 and only a year later, he became the world number 1 in the FIDE rankings.

Three years later, Carlsen defeated world chess champion Vishy Anand in a twelve-game match. Carlsen won the match after only 10 games and became the new world chess champion.

The following year, he successfully retained his title in a rematch against Vishy Anand and won the 201

4 Rapid World Championship and the Blitz World Championship.

Later that year, in May 2014, he reached a maximum rating of 2882 - the highest rating in chess history. In 2016, he successfully defended his title for the second time, this time against Russian super-GM Sergey Karjakin.

What makes Magnus one of the greatest chess players of all time is that he doesn't seem to have any weaknesses. He plays chess strategically and positionally, but rarely misses tactical opportunities - and once he gains a small advantage, he knows how to turn it into a victory.

4.Wilhelm Steinitz 

"Austrian Morphy", as the champion was called, made an excellent contribution to modern chess. In 1873, he introduced a new positional style of play, which was originally considered cowardly because it differed from a full attack style. His thoughts and writings about the game were very influential at the time and nowadays he is usually called the "father of the positional game".

Although some of his ideas may seem strange to the modern eye, they were based on all the positional issues we all know now. Tarrasch and Lasker, among others, recognized Steinitz as their "teacher."

In 1866, Steinitz defeated Adolf Andersson, the most powerful active player in the world. Between 1873-1882, Steinitz ended up playing only one match, against Blackburne, but won it with an impeccable score of 7-0. He returned in 1882. In 1886 he defeated his rival Zuckertort in the "world championship."

He continued his reign for the next 8 years, defeating Gunsberg and Chigorin, but eventually lost to Emanuel Lasker in 1894. Unfortunately, one of the best chess players of all time died. in 1900 because of poverty.


5. Bobby Fischer (1943 - 2008)

Robert "Bobby" James Fischer began his career at the age of 14. During his career, he won 8 chess championships in the USA, he will become the youngest grand master (at the age of 15) and the youngest candidate ever for a world chess championship. In 1970 he won 20 consecutive matches in the "1970 Interzonal". In 1972, he defeated Boris Spassky in a famous match to become world chess champion.

In 1975, he did not defend his title due to his inability to agree on the terms of the match with FIDE. Later, unfortunately, he got into various controversies and conflicts, but no player has ever had such a large margin of talent between him and his rivals. His style of play has made his name one of the most popular among chess players of all levels.

This is all have a nice day! (❁´◡`❁)