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News recently emerged of the death last week of Margaret Nolan, aged 76. For our purposes, she was known as Dink in Goldfinger 1964, but she also modelled for the title sequences of the film whilst painted in gold. Born in Norton Radstock, Somerset, she was later raised in Hampstead, London where she lived for the rest of her life, albeit she also had a home in Andalucia, Spain for 21 years. Apart from her career in films, which totalled 77 screen credits on TV and film, and six Carry On films, she was also a glamour model and appeared in Playboy. Her career is not even over now as she had a small part in Edgar Wright's yet-to-be released film Last Night in Soho, and he said she had an unlimited fund of stories from her life lived to the full. We believe she is worthy of a match in her honour and hope you will accept. If any of the terms such as number or rating do not suit, then please make contact to adjust
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On Her Majesty's Secret  Service - HMSS
On Her Majesty's Secret Service - HMSS
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