
My highest game rating in a 3-crown game (no assistance) was 2150 on 13 May 2024, with white; accuracy: 92.5%, against's Wally-Bot (1800-rated). Bot's game rating 1750; accuracy 85.2%.

Highest defeated bot in a 3-crown game:'s Li-BOT (2000-rated), on 28 May 2024, with white. My game rating: 1900; accuracy: 83.8%. Bot's game rating: 1650; accuracy: 77.5%. I also beat it with black on 8 Jun 2024, my game rating: 1750; accuracy: 79%. Bot's game rating: 1500; accuracy: 73.8%. Crazy game. Horrible position, with lots of lines leading me being forked, but just managed to hold on. The after-game analysis put me at 4.12 points down at one point, despite being two points up in material with nothing hanging!

Best 2-crown game (with take-backs allowed): 14 Jun 2024, a draw against Magnus Carlson Bot (2882-rated), with white. Game review put my rating at 2850 when viewed from a PC, and 2800 when viewed from the app. I got 10 so-called "Great Moves" (!), but most of them were quite obvious, and all of them were with just kings & pawns on the board. Magnus-bot's game rating was 2450, and both our accuracies were 96.4%. The 'ADJUSTED ACCURACY AFTER RETRIES' feature was/is not working, because I did do a few multi-level takebacks, yet my adjusted accuracy was still 96.4%.

Best 1-crown game fully exploiting the assistance & takebacks: 18 Jun 2024, a win with white against Komodo 25 (3200-rated). "My" game rating: 3000, bot's game rating 2500. I also beat it with black in a fully assisted game on 21 Jun 2024 in a 2950-rated game with an early queen trap.

Best game with just suggestions enabled (pick one of three), no take-backs, no other assistance: 22 Jun 2024 vs Komodo 20 (2400-rated), with black. 2 mistakes, 2 misses, 1 blunder, but still pulled through.

I've yet to beat a high-rated human player.

At the moment, I'm only playing daily games with a 14-day time limit, because I never know when I might have to step away from it for a while, but I try to play every open game every day.

I also quite like 15 minutes per game, with a ten-second increment. Although, I reckon 15 minutes per game with a 30-second increment would be even better.

I live in Hobart, Tasmania, and I'd like to get into the top ten for daily game rating in the larger Tassie chess clubs, and the top three of the smaller ones, and hopefully even do better than that. I'm finding it a little more challenging than expected though, considering I've done OK against the bots. A certain Simpsons clip sprung to mind:

I've joined the following clubs:

* Team Australia-Hobart Tasmania

* Tasmania Chess Association

* UTAS Chess

* Hobart Chess Club

* Black Square Chess Club

* Tasmanian Chess Tuesday

* Australian Legends Tasmania

* Tas chess server

* Launceston Chess Club

Message me if you know of any other significant Tassie chess clubs on