

Composer (music and chess),

3th place in section C of the 7th Youth Chess Composition Challenge ( with the following study: White to move and win

4th place in section C of the 6th Youth Chess Composition Challenge ( with the following study: White to move and draw

4th place in my district chess tournament, mah team placed 3rd in city tournament

I'm also a mod on NM Cjxchess17 discord

cjxchess17 fan club
cjxchess17 fan club 167 пользователей
Hikaru Nakamura Fan Club
Hikaru Nakamura Fan Club 64 266 пользователей
Việt Nam
Việt Nam 55 989 пользователей
King of chess
King of chess 493 пользователя
Eh's Basement
Eh's Basement 4 пользователя