
You have taken my queen. My board has no queen now. My army has no life. No friends. No hope. They must be so sad. It is good to feel emotions. Chess is emotion. GM Bent Larsen.

I lost! Losing is one of the 7 ways a chess game can end. It can also end by win, draw, political forfeit, medical forfeit, draw, win, and romance. Do you want to play again?

I remember playing against this young whippersnapper in San Antonio back in '72. I checkmated him and thought that was the end of it. But then, wouldn't you know it, he goes on to win the US Championship six times! I guess I must have taught him a thing or two, eh? I'm just glad I could help the kid out.

Let me tell you a little joke, kid! Why did the chess player cross the road? To get to the other side, of course. But then, he realized he forgot his king and had to scuttle back to grab it, ha! Reminds me of the time I played against Washing Machine Tony in a blitz game. That guy had the biggest sandwich in his hand and kept chewing away throughout the entire game. I swear, I could hear the sound of his food sloshing around in his mouth from across the room. He did the same thing every time, that rascal! And you know what? He put everyone off their game with that noisy eating! I don't know how he got away with that one, he sure was a character.

My only brilliant game, at least for now...

My worst game yet - still won somehow.

8 move checkmate!!!

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