
@Dinosaur_lover123 is my best friend and i love her so much and she means the whole world to me and I love her to death and I mean that i would do anything to make her happy and she is the best friend I could ever have in my life I love her so much and I would die for her she is the best thing that had ever happened to me and she is my best friend forever and I would do anything for her just to make her happy she is my best friend and if you mess with her then your gonna want to run because if you mess with my friend your dead I love her so much.

@DiggsyWasTaken she is my best friend i don't know what i would do if i never met her she is the sweetest person i have ever met i love her so much and if you hurt her i will hurt you too i love you.

@AutisticChildd she is my big sister and i am so glad she is my sister because i can tell her all of the drama that happens in my life and i love her so much and i don't know what i would do without her in my life i love you so much ozzy.

@GlitteryHeart she is my little sister and i love her so much even tho she does not think that she is the most adorable little girl ever i love you maddy and i don't know what i would do if i did not wake up to your cute adorable face in the mornings i love you maddy.

somethings about meeee

I'm single bc I keep getting cheated on 

 ummm my favorite color is blue, my birthday is november 10th

oh and btw another person is @xanholden2023 he is my gay bestie and i love him so much and i don't think i would ever be ok without him in my life i love you.

rest in peace king king i love you so much he was only five years old when he died on november 3rd 2023 at 5:49 we love you so much and we are going to miss you a lot baby i can't imagine my life without my baby beside me i love you and i hope your watching over everyone and i know your in a better place right now but i wish you were still with us right now so i could hug you and see your cute little face i love you baby rest in peace angel. three more days until king's birthday i hope you have a good birthday buddy i love you so much.

if im offline for a few days or a few hours don't worry abt me im probably gonna be too busy or im just taking a break so byee.

one more important friend to me is @The_sleepy_kitty she is very sweet and kind and she means the whole world to me i may not know her that good but she is an amazing friend and im glad i met her i can always count on her to help me when i need her the most and she always knows how to make me laugh when i am sad and no matter what happens i will always be there for you i love youuu.

@XxX_pandora_XxX she is very kind and sweet and she is a amazing person to talk to and she is always there for you whenever you need her and she is the kindest person i have ever met thx for being there for me when i needed you ily.

@StarChallenger is very sweet and she has helped me through a lot and she is a amazing friend and she is always there for me when i need her and idk what would happen to me if she did not help me through some of the most difficultes  times and i am very grateful to have a friend like her i love you so much and thank you for everything you've done to help me.

@killerfoxeyes898 he is very very sweet and loyal and knows how to make me happy when im sad and he always knows how to make me smile and he is always there for me when i need him the most and i trust him with all my heart idk what i would do without him in my life thank you so much for everything you did you made me happy when my bf broke up with me like no one would ever do so thank you ily. 

here is a little song dedicated to my ex:

p.s I don't trust boys anymore some people give them their heart because they love them but it turns out that all men are doing is cheating, using you for your body etc I'm staying single I'm never trusting boys ever again i hate men and all they care about is women's bodies. 

@savannah21315 is my best friend and she just recently joined so she would love if you friend her bc I am her only friend and you should get to meet her bc she is very funny and nice and she knows how to make you happy when you are sad and she is the best friend ever.

@Himothy-Bartholomew-Vlll he is my  best friend and he is my Pookie and if you ever say something mean to him I'm coming after you he is very nice and very sweet and he is very respectful and that is why I love him you mess with my Pookie I'm gonna mess with you  

why is it that the two most people i love live soooo far from me i just wish i could just teleport to them sometimes but i know i can't do that but I wish i could so that way they could help me through all of my problems i love everyone single one of my friends but i have two of the greatest friends possible ever and i can't imagine life without them i love all of yall soooooo much

I wish all of my exes the best and i hope all of them are doing ok and are in a very happy relationship now and that they don't think about me and are having a happy life...

getting rejected by the person you love the most hurts really bad and I had to go through my first rejection and I couldn't stop crying because I really loved this person so much and they just don't know what I would do for them just to make them smile i love this person so much but i just guess they don't love me back.

I have people come into my life shockingly and surprisingly. I have losses that I never thought I'd experience. people have rejection and you have to learn how to deal with that and how to get up the next day and go on with it.

sometimes I feel like my whole life is this big ball full of rejections just waiting for me.

everyone says love hurts, but that's not true. loneliness hurts. rejection hurts, losing someone hurts. the biggest thing that hurts me is being rejected by someone you love the most.

when you give importance to people, they think that you are always free. but they don't understand that you make yourself available for them every time they need you.

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