.award for best sister- Jackieeee .award for person with the biggest head- Sed .award for best youth pastor and wife- The Sferlazzas .award for the stalker of the group- May to the best pastor and pastors wife- The Williams .award for my bestieeeeeeeeee and therapist - shanika to the person I wanna fight 24/7- Roy .the girl who makes me smile- kelly .the girl with the best rizz lines "other than me"- Avacado .The man with the plan- George .the first gone in an apocalypse- manny The strongest girl 4 no reason- jada .most likely to get jumped by me for..........idk- Bro. Samuel Pretty 4 no reason- Shamecia .Yes I'm putting your name on here- baddy Addy .Thinks he's him when he's def not- Mason .man who also thinks he's him- Eli .Nicest mean person I've ever met- Gia person I would go to if I needed to kill someone- Wesley to the person I can trust to give me a good book- Bella .Git- Oran .cringyyyyyyyyyyyyy- Ayden call me dust bunny one more time- Skrimp to the girl who sleeps through prayer- Nilon ty for reading lol also to my other friends lol. Neverland1Wendy, I_W4nn4_Kms, Harley_Quinn2011, Best_tea_bella, the_best_friend_everrrrr, hades200, X_VIB_X, KRISHU_LUVS_00, ZenSharad, LincolnDWest 99.9% of you won't post this. When Jesus died on the cross he was thinking of you. If you're one of the 0.1% that cares, put this on your profile. Also i have a slight obsession with stitch and you😏😉.
ℂ𝕣𝔸𝕫𝕐 𝕙𝕌𝕞𝔸ℕ 204 пользователя
the last of us FANCLUB
the last of us FANCLUB 67 пользователей
Make new friends
Make new friends 7 пользователей
Black guys have no shadow
Black guys have no shadow 4 пользователя
ternce 5 пользователей