hey there~~
I am rei few people call me aqua that's my nickname
20 years old
Im mixed japanese and amrican,
Major biology
i was an amateur swimmer, now I swim or jog lightly, and I also like to skate
Fav games:- rdr2, the witcher3, eldenring, sekiro, bg3, ghost of tsushima, cyberpunk 2077, dragonage & masseffect, dos2, pathfinder, roguetrader40k, ac odyssey, dishonored, hzd & hfw, gta v, poe, cod(especially coldwar), mgs v, farcry, resident evil, coral island, disco elysium, darkest dungeon, control, alan wake and gwent!
i also like dnd, 80s pop, and j-pop
I sometimes act crazy and go very far when I'm in love 😅

And yes that's me