
Veteran Casual Players #4

Vedenie turnaja:

Dátum začatia: 22. 7. 2019

Dátum ukončenia: 9. 4. 2020

Tempo hry
Hodnotené partie
Priem. rating
Rozsah ratingu
Dostupné body
Max. veľkosť skupiny
# Postupujúci:
Partií súčasne
Ukončené partie
Zostávajúce partie
Maximálny priemerný čas na ťah
# prehier na čas
Najväčšie prekvapenie
Tento turnaj je bez dovolenky!

It has been created for veteran players here in Chess.com : if you want to join, you must have played at least 200 games in daily chess.

It will start automatically as soon as all 90 players have joined, don't forget it, don't timeout just at the start!

Before this tournament starts, Chess.com removes automatically all the players whose rating is higher than 1449 .