
50th Chess.com Tournament - 1401-1600

Datum začetka: 1. mar. 2020

Datum konca: 27. okt. 2021

Časovni format
Rangirane partije
Povprečen rating
Razpon rejtinga
Točke na voljo
Maksimalna velikost skupine
# napredujočih
Simultane igre
Dokončane igre
Dodatna točkovanja
Preostale igre
Max povpr. čas/potezo
# potekov časa
Največje presenečenje

This is the 50th Official Chess.com Tournament. It will begin March 1, so register now!
NOTE: If you register now and your rating changes before the start date, you will be AUTOMATICALLY moved to the correct group when the tournament starts.
You will play up to 10 games at a time in this event.
Vacation time is allowed.
New rounds will start when ALL games in the current round are complete.
If you have other questions (group size, # of people advancing, etc) please see https://support.chess.com/category/159-tournaments . Good luck everyone!