
best games:
Aiming for a title and hoping to go to the world youth championships, I am considering starting a Youtube channel dedicated to entertaining chess content, I think it will have the things I miss from the bigger channels (Gotham, Hikaru) like sub battles and cool speedruns and opening coverage and some other cool things like chess related type games and variants. I am 13 and trying to improve to CM before I am 15.
Estimated FIDE: 2224.5 (used 5 websites and found the avg)
Favorite chess players: Bobby Fischer, Hikaru Nakamura, myself (jk lol)
Favorite hobby outside of chess: skating (can do an ollie and kickflip)
Favorite food: Pizza, fried food, seafood
Favorite openings: Tarrasch French, Ruy Lopez, Caro-Kann, Grand Prix, Kings Indian Defence
Dream travel destination: some fancy place in Switzerland or Italy
Pet peeve:  people mispronouncing "chess" and calling it "chesst"

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