The Pelennor Fields

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24-mar, 2023
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The Pelennor Fields were the townlands and fields of Minas Tirith, capital of Gondor.

The Pelennor Fields lay just outside the city of Minas Tirith, on the west bank of the river Anduin. The land ran down toward the river in slopes and terraces. The City of Minas Tirith was located on the south-western corner of the fields, at the foot of Mount Mindolluin.

A road ran north-east across the Pelennor Fields to the Causeway Forts on the river bank; a distance of 12 miles. The North-way led from the City through the fields to the Forannest, or north-gate, before turning westward to become the Great West Road to Rohan. The South Road came from the southern provinces of Gondor and passed through the Pelennor Fields on the way to Minas Tirith. A number of other paths also crisscrossed the fields.

The Pelennor Fields were home to farmers and herdsmen who had barns, pens, livestock, granaries, and kilns for drying hops and malt which were located on the Pelennor. The fields were fertile farmland, with tilled fields, orchards, and small brooks flowing down to the Anduin.

After Minas Ithil had fallen and been renamed Minas Morgul, the Fields were walled by the great wall of Rammas Echor by Ecthelion II in T.A. 2954, to prevent an invasion. Presumably, the Fields took their name because of this enclosure.

During the War of the Ring, the people and livestock evacuated the lands, seeing the coming invasion of the forces of Sauron from Minas Morgul. Indeed, Orcs and evil Men overran the Rammas Echor on 13 March and on the next day besieged the city. Homes and trees were burned and trenches were carved through the fields and filled with fire. The Pelennor Fields were the location of the ensuing Battle of the Pelennor Fields, when Théoden, King of Rohan and the Lord of the Nazgûl and his Fell beast were slain.

After the Battleedit
After the battle, the grass began to grow back on the fields. Snowmane's Howe, where Théoden's horse was buried, grew especially green. The location at which the Witch-king and his steed had been killed was stained black and no grass grew from the scorched earth.

On 1 May 3019 the coronation of King Elessar took place, and those of Gondor and Rohan gathered on the Pelennor Fields to witness the event.