
Hello my friend! God loves you so much!

By the way... Heaven and Hell are Real! Heaven is God's place. While Hell is a place of eternal torment, reserved for sinners like me and you.

God does not want anyone to go to hell (2 Peter 3:9). That is why God made the ultimate, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice on our behalf. If you want to not go to hell, receive Jesus as your Savior. It is as simple as that.

Tell God that you recognize that you are a sinner and that you deserve to go to hell. Declare to God that you are trusting in Jesus Christ as your Savior. Thank God for providing for your salvation and deliverance from hell.

Simple faith, trusting in Jesus Christ as the Savior, is how you can avoid going to hell!

Have you made a decision for Christ because of what you have read here?