
Olá! Me chamo Farley e tenho 20 anos.
chesspawn Jogo Xadrez por Hobbie =) 
lessons Inspiração: GM Supi
trophies Minhas Redes Sociais: Biografia

"Chess is a beautiful mistress." Chess and I have an on again-off again relationship. During each break I come back to the game understanding more and playing better than I did before I took the break. The motivation behind my desire to improve is to appreciate the games of the great players and to play more games I can be proud of. I am entirely self taught. That obviously makes the learning process take longer, particularly when the common advice for improvement is actually advice that hinders growth and understanding of the game. I do not play over the board tourneys. Chess, whether it's playing, learning, training, or observing, makes me happy. "Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make people happy"