Hello, I discovered really chess with a book of games of Bent Larsen, that offered me my father. I did not still understand very well the comments of Larsen at this moment there... But I appreciated his style of game (especially told by my father), and this did not change ! Since I studied many of the other games of Larsen. I also like the great Danish, using unusual openings, the attacking game, endgames and especially the taste of the adventure ! But I do not meet the same success as Larsen ;-) The play of Larsen could be a kind of mixture between Morozevich and Nakamura, I believe. I invite you to join the team "Bent Larsen : Master of Counter-Attack"... I have a lot of admiration for French Pauline Guichard who reconciles studies of medicine and chess at high level : Some quotations of Tartakower : - « Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do. Strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do. » Emmanuel Lasker : “I do not play with white and black pawns, without life. I play with human beings, of flesh and blood”.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— I dedicate a lot of time to my studies, but I like partying also ! I do not still know which speciality in medicine I am going to do. I would have liked exercise an artistic activity, being a writer or a painter. OK I shall write books on medicine ! I make a break in chess, but I shall return, or not ;-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I adore Paris :) I like walking along the Seine, I like "redoing the world" with friends in bars district Saint-Germain-des-Prés, I like looking and hearing the children have fun in the "Parc Monceau", I like going to the cinema to the Italians boulevard, I like going to a Japanese restaurant Sainte-Anne street, I like walking and singing at night in the middle of Opera avenue :, I like going to museums and discussing with people about the work of the artists, the Musée d'Orsay is my preferred, the view through this big clock is magnificent : Is displayed to it, maybe, the most scandalous French painting "the origin of the world" of Gustave Courbet, but now it's a normal work ! I like the piping colored of the Centre Pompidou, I believe that it's my favorite Parisian building, it is also very pleasant to walk inside but I have to admit that I am almost alone to adore it, GRRRRRrrrrrrrr !, I like Montorgueil street because it looks like a village. A visit in the Montparnasse cemetery helps me to put in perspective and to stand back ! I take time to read names registered on graves and to look at photos. I try to imagine that she could be the life of people, I am affected by certain faces, by certain words registered by the family or the friends. We say that we died when nobody anymore thinks of you, I hope to have a little refreshed of souls by my presence. I am profoundly conscious of the fragility of present moments and I measure the luck to have a life so pleasant : Padlock «son amour» on the Pont des Arts :) Saint Louis Island, come please -;) We are going to savor an ice cream at Berthillon :) Paris is a magnificent city ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What else ? I like music. At the moment i listen Stacey Kent. Stacey is american, her pronunciation of French is delicious and its voice is fantastic ! For example j'aime beaucoup "Samba Saravah" (live) :, the last words are : "Etre heureux, c'est plus ou moins ce qu'on cherche. J'aime rire, chanter et je n'empêche pas les gens qui sont biens d'être joyeux" (Being happy, It's more or less for what we look. I like laughing, singing and I do not prevent people who are well to be joyful). I like the last album (and the others) "Bankrupt" of Phoenix. I like this words of Boris Vian : "Je veux une vie en forme de toi" (I want a life in the shape of you). Which declaration of love !! I was moved by the short stories of J. D. Salinger. I like very much the last works of the painter Paul Klee. I am fascinated by Edward Hopper's painting, I appreciate as him I believe simple things and the ordinary beauty, as to observe the solitude of people, as to observe the sun on the facades of buildings. The characters are motionless, often lost in their reflection, they send back to us in our questioning and our doubts. That is why I think, Hopper's painting produces a big emotional power. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally :)) I like reading, the sound of the French language produces with me strange vibrations, a mixture of music, feelings and souvenirs. Thanks to the writers of any horizons for them to spread our troubles, to sublimate our aspiration, to give us the keys of worlds without door. Thanks to Arthur Rimbaud, George Orwell, Anton Chekhov, Jerome Salinger, John Steinbeck, Boris Vian and so many others to have illuminated me and given to my life some more of sense and relief. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merci beaucoup for those who had the courage to read my profile completely :) Smile to the life and the life will smile to you ;-) My friends call me "Lice" and my parents "Flea" (Puce in French), then please pronounce Leece :)) Goodbye, Maud-Alice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------