I am an Amateur Radio Operator(HAM) My Callsign is KF7MXL.I am just become a Weather Spotter. I am interested in Emergency Services, CW on all bands and very interested in ATV, HAM TV. I love board games (Chess,B-17: Queen of the Skies,Flight Leader, Squad Leader, Memoir '44, Air Force, Richthofen's War,......Etc) specially wargames. I starting recollect the games I have lost. I especial love game dealing w/ dogfighting like Flight Leader, Richthofen's War, and Wings of War: The Dawn of World War II. If you're ever in the area and wanna play you can catch me most likely every Saturday night at thirdspace and with Yakima Chess Club at the Yakima Main Public Library on Wednesday. I play the 5 string banjo, guitar, mandolin and harmonica, Well!? spoons too. I into Archery and shoot a PSE Impala recurve bow. My USCF: Correspondence Rating: 1425 Quick Rating: 776 Check your Six!! Julie