
Alekhine's defense


Just a quick question, should I continue to do the Alekhine as a response to kings pawn? Or should I find another opening to do.


I have heard a chess trainer say that if you are trying to improve, you should change openings after 3 losses with the same opening.  (He was referring to tournament games.)  That way you get familiar with a variety of positions.

The Alekhine's is an OK opening, but at your level you may do better to play 1. ...e5.  Modern openings where you give your opening a big center and then counter-attack are more strategically complex.


OK... I tried playing 1. E5, but I got checkmated in the first 20 moves. I've gotten much better results with the Alekhine, how do I play 1 e5?


The short answer is, get your pieces out quickly, protect f7, and castle fairly early.  I often play 1. ...e5, so you could look at my games. Here is one that I published:

The second game in this article has 1. ... e5 also.


Thanks, i'll take a look at them when I've got time.


Scandinavian defense is the best of all time, if it's not possible to play then KILL THEM ALL