
Sometimes I can be so Stupid


I really should keep this to myself (to maintain my image), but what the hey...

Over the last few days, I've noticed quite a few posters from India in the forums. I sez to myself, "Self, I wonder why all these Indian posts are popping up recently?"

And this morning..."Duh, the world championship will start in India in a few weeks. Probably the whole dang country is thinking about the match!"

In my defense, I've pretty much been ignoring all the threads and articles about the match, so it wasn't really on my mind. I'll get more interested as the match draws nearer.

OK, just a throwaway thread, all random comments and pot shots from trollers welcome. I can take it! Laughing


What, have you seen a study showing that sugar interferes with the function of the synapses?

(And thanks for the input...We're on our way!)

chess_gg wrote:

Some people get a "sugar high". They get "off their rocker".

Or, maybe a bump on the head?

Maybe I had too many lemonades on the front porch, fell off my rocker (chair), and bumped my head. Hey, it coulda happened!


how does this make you Stupid i did not know about it :)




Just to talk about India:

I started taking online classes, buying preparation material and mock exams for some certifications from 3 institutes from India. They are so cheap in comparison to European or US institutes. And the materials are very good quality.

I just needed some hours to get accostumed to the indian way of speaking english.

I wonder if I will talk like them after I finish the courses.