
Chess Magazine


For supplementary reading, entertainment and learning, which is the better chess magazine for intermediate players- Chess Life or New in Chess? 


Unless you have a particular interest in U.S. chess, I would go with NIC. A superb and beautiful magazine.

That's not to knock Chess Life (I subscribe to both),which does have some instructional material for less advanced players, as probably does almost any federation magazine. But for "supplementary reading, entertainment and learning", I think most people who are really into chess would love New in Chess. (Note: NIC is only eight issues per year.)


New In Chess is really amazing. It's expensive, but well worth it in my opinion. I love the annotated games -- great annotations by top players with tons of diagrams to aid in studying without a board. Chess Life has some interesting content too, but it's a good "chess periodical", whereas New In Chess is a world-class periodical, full-stop, which happens to be about chess.