
How to decrease the computational speed in Arena


Hi Chess players

When I'm running the houdini engine in Arena 3.0 it will usually calculate moves with 4,700 Kn/s on my laptop. When it has reached about 1,500,000,000 - 2,500,000,000 nodes in total my computer is so hot that it will abruptly shut down.

I think the solution to this problem is to restrict the upper limit of the Kn/s. Anyone know how to do this, or other methods?



It's not really a kn/s issue, at least not directly. I'm sure you're just trying to run more threads than your laptop can handle. It's probably running at 100% cpu usage, which not all laptops can handle, especially if the insides are dusty. Just go into the engine configuration window and reduce the number of threads that Houdini is using, and that should fix the problem.


Thanks ro your reply

I tried to go "Engines --> Manage... --> UCI", but did not find anything about "threads". Neither in "Engines --> Configure engine analysis output..."

pHUMpK1Ns wrote:

Thanks ro your reply

I tried to go "Engines --> Manage... --> UCI", but did not find anything about "threads". Neither in "Engines --> Configure engine analysis output..."

Try "Engines --> Engines 1 --> Configure". (If you have more than one engine loaded, it might be Engine 2, or Engine 3, etc.)

Another way to pull up the engine configuration window is to right-click your mouse in the engine analysis window, then click on "Configure Houdini...".


You also might want to install some kind of temperature monitoring utility program, like Core Temp (and its Gadget addon). It makes it easy to see if too many threads are being used or if the temperature is getting too high.


I finally found the configuration window and decreased the threads from 4 to 2, and that seems to help.

Thank you!