
Weak Color Complexes Explained


hey folks, obviously we always want to get feedback on the new mentor courses.

if you have any feedback about my course for July, you could go here to my preview blog, to post your comments. it would be much appreciated! there is also a full game commented on there that goes well with the course.




Ah, I've always felt that the concept of color complexes was something I never understood fully and was preventing me from reaching the next level.  This looks great, can't wait to give it a shot :)


Didn't realize how little I knew about how to exploit color weaknesses until I tried a few lessons.  This will probably be one of those courses that I'll do over and over again.


I've always heard or read about such them of "exploiting" the weak colors but haven't understood how the weakness is diagnosed until I saw your initial article...


Now I'm thinking of going premium... Laughing


I'm a little late to adding my comment, but I thought that was one of the most helpful chess mentor courses I've gone through.  Suggestion?  A 3-6 part video series on the same topic by the same instructor.