
2 questions about this opening by Howard Stern


Please look at the interactive Game #2

Budapest Gambit (A51)
Anonymous (ICC 1900)
Howard Stern (ICC 1600)
Internet Chess Club, 2008

5. Kxf2 Ne4+ 6. Kf3 

6. Ke3 is better but already White is in trouble.

Why are either Kf3 or Ke3 preferred over simply returning the King to Ke1?   Why move him to the middle of the board?

8. gxf5 Rf8 

I think here Rybka was already envisioning mates with 8. ... Na6, but creating this type of action on the opposite side of the board is often difficult for mere humans, and the text is plenty good.

How does Na6 have any relevance to the action on the board?!?!?


1. Ke1 loses to Qh4+.
2. The knight could go to c5 I guess.