
Bobby Fischer Trap


it should be the fisher variation only- calling it soizin is a joke in itself - wasnt even among the strongest players in his country and played it very rarely

shutupIknowIsuck wrote:

This trap was used by Bobby Fischer in almost all of his games and one of the traps that I've learned and can be a great counterplay against players who play the Sicilan Defense. I learned it from my friends who are great chess players.

I hope that this diagram helped you in your chess games. Also, if I got a criticism on this, I'd be happy to accept it. Thanks for reading my post.

I believe this a Excellent example 4 starters + experts.
Thankx 4 sharing it. Plz post some more examples like these ones. 



swiecsd wrote:

1. e4 f5 2. exf5 g5 3. fxg6 h5 4. g7 Nf6 5. gxh8=Q Ne4 6. Bd3 Nxf2 7. Kxf2 h4 8. Bg6# 1-0

3. Qh5 mate.