
Evans Gambit


Is Evans Gambit a open win to White?


If the Evans Gambit was a win, don't you think a lot of players would play it?


Evans Gambit is good for white... after c3, the best move for black in my opinion is Ba5, although Bd6 and Be7 are common. 

pfren wrote:

It's just a game of chess after both 4...Bb4 and 4...Bb6 (I recommend the latter to my students since it does not require memorizing and results in positions quite similar to the Giuoco Piano proper).

Do you think black gets equality in the 4...Bb6  line ?  


4...Bb6 is my choice too.


To me, 4...Bb6 here is like 2...Bc5 in KG. Not critical, but good for non-experts.

pfren wrote:

Reb wrote:

pfren wrote:


It's just a game of chess after both 4...Bb4 and 4...Bb6 (I recommend the latter to my students since it does not require memorizing and results in positions quite similar to the Giuoco Piano proper).



Do you think black gets equality in the 4...Bb6  line ?  

A few 2700+ patzers (Adams, Almasi, Mamedyarov...) apparently think so, and in that case my opinion is of minor importance.

And (replying to post number ten) 5.b5 is certainly enough not the best remedy against 4...Bb6. Won't bother going into details here, just open a database and see how good players react to that. And yes, Black's play is FAR simpler than the main Evans accepted lines.

Thanks for that info !  I usually only play 1...e5 when I can be fairly certain that my opponent will play the Spanish as I hate playing the black side of other openings after 1 e4 e5  ( vienna and scotch  mainly ) 


I want to find out how can black can defeat white in evans gambit


The Evans Gambit is a good opening to surprise Black for Black has to play precise to stay alive. If Black makes a mistake and White plays offensively then White usually wins.

The reason that this gambit is not played so often is because most Black players avoidsthe Evans Gambit by playing the Two Knight's Defence. And Yes, Black can defeat White in the Evans gambit. The main plan for Black is to develop his pieces and get a solid position or at least to dry up White's iniative. 

If Black manages to get to the endgame then he has a big advantage for White has a horrible pawn strucuture compared to Black.