
I need help from all "caro-kann"-ers.


After Bf4, There is no need of e5, you can play Qa5+ followed by Qxc5

rahim_me_123 wrote:

After Bf4, There is no need of e5, you can play Qa5+ followed by Qxc5

Doesn't work, because then d5 is attacked.



After Nc3, white loses a piece after d4!!

rahim_me_123 wrote:


After Nc3, white loses a piece after d4!!


I hereby proclaim I am an idiot, and rahim_me_123 knows the Caro-Kahn better than me.

I would have added that anyways, getting the queen out loses time, but past some point, none will believe me anymore.

It hurts even more as I had the black side of that position some time ago, and played ...Qxc5 (and lost).


5...Qa5+ is bad, but not because of 6.Nc3?? but 6.c3 Qxa5 7.b4

Irontiger wrote:


3.e5 is book and considered at top level as the only try to "punish" the Caro-Kahn. (ie other quiet moves work fine too, but do not give a huge advantage).

After that (1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5), 3...c5 is playable, but if White plays correctly it will force Black to trap the bishop on c8 (which he usually doesn't want to do, if he plays the Caro-Kahn and not the French) :


i think black has a pretty nice position and whites darksquared bishop is actually better on c1 defending b2 than on f4 weakening the queenside 5.Bf4 is complete garbage


Bf4 is theory!! Theory says after e6, black has a better version of french


I prefer 4...Be4 as others have mentioned.