
Larson opening


My chess instructor taught me an opening for white 1. b4. Naturally black would take advantage and take central pawn dominance and do 1. e4 I would then do 2. Bb2, doing a fianchetto on my bishop. They would then probably do 2. d4. I would then do 3. e6

Does anybody else know the rest of this opening?

Iseedumbpeople2 wrote:

My chess instructor taught me an opening for white 1. b4. Naturally black would take advantage and take central pawn dominance and do 1. e4 I would then do 2. Bb2, doing a fianchetto on my bishop. They would then probably do 2. d4. I would then do 3. e6



Does anybody else know the rest of this opening?

The opening 1 b4 is called Sokolsky (or sometimes Orang Utan).

Bent Larsen sometimes experimented with 1 b3 which is more flexible because the b-pawn cannot be attacked by Black's next move. Larsen analyzed this move in the first edition of ECO (encyclopedia of chess openings) Volume A.

I don't know much about this opening ... Wink


What do you want to know about the opening? And ur annotation is unclear...


The annontation are a mess. 


It really is hard to follow -

This is very good book on the Sokolosky Opening though if one is interested


Does anyone know what to play against it?