
Opening Repertuar


Hey, i was wondering, can anyone suggest any oppenings for my opening repertuarie. Currently my oppenings are : For White: Birds (1. f4), sometimes 1.e4 (aiming for Halloweens Gambit). For black against e4, Sicilian Dragon, Dragadorf variaton with a6, and French with 3. ... Nc6. Against 1. d4 going for Grunfeld.

So can anyone suggest me some oppenings to play, need some new openings to play with since i have u-16 championships comming up , and im known for playing Bird and Dragon


I prefer d4, but I suppose you could play e4 if thats what you're more familiar with. c6 is a possibility but the french probably has more attacking chances which Im going to assume you like.


Well i actually dont care if d4 or e4, just some alternative ideas, maybe some variatons i can play :), the rest is just up to me :)


you should check out Dangerouse Weapons: the French, by John Watson from Everyman Chess.  It has some interesting French sidelines, which are easy to learn, and it inludes your 3. Nc3 Nc6 sideline, as well as some others.  also, How to play against 1. e4 is an excellent collection of low theory solid french lines, also from Everyman Chess, by Niel McDonald.  The Fort Knox is almost idiot proof, and since you castle queenside in most variatinos, It can make for some good winning chances for black after white castles kingside.


Try the English. It should make sense to you quickly as it is just a flipped bird's. And it is odd that you play the bird's, but not the dutch...


Tnx for the advices,  about the French, proboly i can go with it, proboly should get on of  those books :)

On the english, i can try it, my friend plays english as his main wepaon, so i can get some tips from him, and why should i play the dutch? No point playing the same positions from white and black, that just gets booring :(


For white try the vienna game. You might like the Frankenstein Dracula gambit but the vienna is pretty tactical. Against e4 you can try the Ruy Lopez fishing pool variation, another tactical opening or Scandinavian. The main line is good but you might like 3...Qd6. For d4 if you play the bird you can play the dutch as black.

I also play the bird and found this useful

If you play the stonewall you can also try the Richter-Veresov attack for white

where the idea is to get your dark sq. bishop out before making the stonewall formation. 


Thanks for the great ideas :) Veresov is one of my ideas to play along with BDG, and i also know mr. danielsen :) But that ruy lopez idea is good enough for a go :)

And that knight tango is also good, So time to hit the books for me :D