
sicilian novelty


1.e4 .c5

2. b4 c*b4

3. d4

Is white busted? If not, can 2.b4 be considered as novelty from white? Has it been tried at GM level ever, if its not that bad?

I have tried this for last few games of mine and i found out that my opponent are are behind in development after 8 to 9 move, and a little cramped ofcourse.


Yes, it has been tried. You might also want to look into 2.a3, although black can respond with 2...g6 which is quite strong.


Just saw a discussion of this here:

probably a little different than your play.


1.e4 c5 2.b4 is the Wing Gambit, and there is theory established for it.  It's inferior, but all right for beginners I suppose.  When I was first starting to play in tournaments 2.b4 was my response to the Sicilian, but I don't recall why.

2.a3, preparing but not committing to b2-b4, is a better move than 2.b4 itself.  If 2..g6, then White can go for a Grand Prix with 3.Nc3 + Bc4, where a3 is not a bad move.