
Stonewall structure with white


I've recently taken up the stonewall dutch as a main defense due to all the annoying KID lines (nobody wants to play 6.be2 with white in the king's indian anymore where I live and the Saemisch / Fianchetto systems are just annoying to me).  I do pretty well with the dutch defense and was going to try playing it with white. What is a sound way to reach this structure with white after say 1.d4 1..nf6? 2.e3 or 2.f4? I'm new to 1.d4 stuff from the white side. Any feedback is highly appreciated.


It's not very good for White, especially if Black has not committed to d7-d5 (partly because they can play d6 after which your control over e5 is useless). Rather than trying to play the same setup as both colors, you would likely benefit from learning to play multiple different types of positions. Try different openings and see how you like them!


Thanks for the advice. I'm normally a 1.e4 guy but the stonewall is just so easy to play I wanted to ask about it from white's point of view. Thanks again.


If you REALLY want to play it with both colour you could build a repertoire where you play the stonewall after 1..d5 and against 1..nf6 you could play some mainline, or maybe the trompowsky or torre. Though you may run into some move order issues. 1.d4 e6 2.e3 nf6 and now torre lines arnt available, but if youre willing to play the QID/nimzo e3 lines then it should be ok after 3.c4, you could maybe even wait another move with 3.nf3.


The kingside fianchetto lines (KID stuff, e.g.) are what really put strong players off the Stonewall attack.

If you're keen to give it a try, Google up Yaacov Norowitz, who plays the SA via a 1.d4 2.e3 move order.  If an opponent heads up KID lines, he transposes to a Colle-Zukertortish line, except with the bishop on e2.  I don't find the lines convincing, but he makes some positional arguments for them and has been fairly successful with the approach.

Alternatively, you could play via a 1.f4 move order, and play the Stonewall if your opponent cooperates.  Against fianchetto stuff you could play the mainline Classical Bird, which isn't critical, but isn't exactly bad.


Thanks for the advice everyone. I am kind of a minimalist as far as chessplaying goes and try to keep the same structures with both colors when possible. Now I know some options!