
The English Opening - Question and Study Partners


So I have decided to finally build a real opening reprotoire with White - In my youth I played 1.e4, but I am not that interested in putting in all the work needed for 1.e4 AGAIN - 25 years later.

I am not saying that 1.c4 doesn't require alot of work, what I am saying is that if I am going to spend the next 6 months building a reprotoire it would be nice to do something a little different.

What I was hoping for was that a regular English player could give me an idea have how often they are met with 1.c4 e5

It seems to me that most of blacks replies will be centered around 1...Nf3 - making that the crux of where to begin to be able to start playing the English quickly. 

Obviously you must have a response (and there are 9 variations that I have been able to determine from my prelim study - and countless sub variations) to 1...e5.

But I want to make the most of my early study time so that I can get some practical expereince seeing the structures and human response not just engine responses.

So where to begin - 1...nf3 or 1...e5

Also if there is anyone who would like to really make an in depth study of the English with me I would love to have a study partner that could get together via skype once or twice a week.

Please be of adiquate strength if you want to be a study partner - ie no 1000 or 1100 ratings (perferably 1450 thru 1700) While my rating is rather low now - much of that has to do with a 25 year layoff. 

So I am looking for a study partner that already has an understanding of major themes - IE weak squares, weak bishops, Bishops vrs Knights, Initiatve and Space, yada yada yada.

And please be serious - thus the reason that I say no 1100's building a strong opening reprotoire is hard work and most lower level players do not have the tenacidity to see the project through to the end.

I have aquired much material on the English. So this should prove educational and entertaining.

Hope to hear from you.


I started playing the English two years ago after playing 1e4 most of my life then a few years playing 1d4.

Based on the games explorer...and extrapolating....I did some rough calculations. If you play 1c4   you will face:

1...Nf6 32 % of the time

1...e5 20 %   (will put cumulative % in brackets 52 %)

1...e6 13 % (65 %)

1...c5 11% (76 %)

1...g6 10 %(86 %)

1..c6 7% (93 %)

1..f5 4 % (97 %)

...other 3 % (100 %)


Hi Ziggy_

I kinda did the samething with the Chessbase database and the numbers are fairly simular.

With tha said, I did decide to work on 1...e5 first. The positions are a little more ridig and not so many sub variations. When you get to the nf6 you have several transpositions - the main being the Catalan, so I think that will be alot more work. Getting 1....e5 is a little more straight forward.


How do you like playing the English, has it treated you well? 


I prefer the non fianchetto versions (where possible) for white. This usually means going for an early d4 - which amongst other things often involves playing the Maroczy Bind. I'm happy to take on the Kings Indian head on by transposition, and against 1....e5 happy to play 2Nc3 Nf6 3Nf3 Nc6 and play Korchnoi's 4 a3, playing a Sicilian as white with the extra move.

Against the very defensive setups I'm happy to have pawns on c4,d4 and e4 and patiently build.


For a few months I tried the 2. g3 English, which is very interesting.  The Dynamic English, written by Tony Kosten, is all about the 2. g3 English and proved quite helpful, though I don't play all his recommendations.

Sometimes I find the positions slightly from the 2. g3 English too closed for my taste, but I recently drew my state champion (his USCF is 2275ish) with it, so it cannot be too bad.