
KRAMNIK's legacy


What is the Vladimir KRAMNIK's place in the history of chess? What is his legacy? In my opinion he is a top 10 or better.


He is in the top 10 for sure, probably not better.


At best Kramnik shared first on two rating lists, and has in general been slightly behind Anand. Considering the competition it is difficult to place both in the top ten, there's not only Kasparov, Karpov, Lasker, Steinitz, Capablanca, Alekhine, Botvinnik, Fischer but also for example Tal and Smyslov, and Carlsen getting difficult to avoid in the top ten as well. To me Kramnik is maybe somewhere around #15 among the greatest ever.


For me, kramnik is sure one of the bests, defeating god(!!), and 15 years after challenging another one... Maybe he could win vs Carlsen in a WC match, even if he s little old, now.

Maybe we will see that match...

But Kramnik have already shown how great he is. I ve the feeling he s a little bit under estimated cause he have not raising so much the N1 place in his time, but he was the one who beat Kaspy, when Kaspy was beating anyone else.

After that, it s difficult to say if he s in the top 5, 10 , 15, 20 or 100 of the chess history, it depend what you want to see, on what u make u re jugement. But, he s with the bests, for sure. 


he could be the only one to win back the world championship from carlsen.


Considering that Carlsen took first place in the 2013 Candidates over Kramnik only on second tiebreak, I hope Kramnik wins the Candidates this year. A title match would be the first step in deciding his legacy. Right now it's too soon to tell.


Kramnik was the one who introduced the Berlin Wall to top-level Chess. Using it to defeat none other than Kasparov.

Kramnik also gave us the Bayonette attack in the KID, taking much of the sting out of this once much feared opening.