
Glicko RD


Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I could not find the answer.

I'm curious at what rate your RD increases when you don't have a game result. Also, I'm assuming, but this may not be correct, that the interval is measured between completed games, even if you have ongoing games that have not finished. Also, does vacation time "stop the clock"?

Thanks for any feed back. 


good question about RD. i think it does NOT increase when you don't have a game result, but you'll have to ask "jay" to know for sure :)

vacation times does, indeed, stop the clock.

Erik, thanks. Hopefully Jay will be able to disclose this without having to bump me off for knowing too much.



Does vacation stop the clock for both players in a game, if one of them goes on vacation?  I had a couple of games today where my clock was counting down, but as soon as I made a move in both, the opponent showed as being on vacation. 


Pretty much what Erik said.  From the website:

"To apply the rating algorithm, we treat a collection of games within a 'rating period' to have occurred simultaneously. A rating period could be as long as several months, or could be as short as one minute... (edit) ...The length of time for a rating period is at the discretion of the administrator..."


More info available at Mark Glickman's site: