
Queen vs. two Rooks


I recently played a game where the endgame resulted in my Queen against the opponents two Rooks.  

When is it preferable to have a Queen against two Rooks and vice versa? And what are the general ideas for each side?


I'm pretty sure that rooks are better when the game is an open one, with the rooks controlling the files. But otherwise, if the game is more closed, then the queen is a bit better. i think it's also like where your queen is on the board.  


Don´t remember where I read it, but I remember reading that the rooks are better in positions that have just one or two open files, otherwise most often the queen is better.


Any ideas how to play such positions?


There may be many factors but the most important ones are the King safety and a good pawn structure. If the side with the Rooks can meet these conditions, then yes the Rooks are to be preferred over the Queen.

Even if the Rooks are not of most use and more passive, it's very hard for a Queen alone to make headway over a "Rook" solid formation. That's the neat thing about two solid-well coordinated Rooks; they can surpass the Queen in either offensive or defensive situations.

Otherwise, if the side with the Rooks have a very bad pawn structure or not so well coordinated pieces, then Her Majesty with her greater mobility and forking, pining and skewering abilites should prevail, assuming than the King should be safe from potential Rooks attacks.

This is mostly what I gathered over the subject. Hope this may help...