
R+B vs R+N endgame


Is this a win for black or a draw?

In the actual game, black blundered here by trading rooks, leading to an easy draw.


feels like a draw, though if there is a win it def starts with Re7... but well, just trade N for P and then it seems like it should be hard to win.

of course the B+P ending is drawn, "wrong bishop".


I still don't know whether it's a win or a draw, but it's not as easy as saying the B+P ending is drawn (see the variant at move 114; it's interesting to note that Mark's position is a win with black to move). Here's a sample line sliding forward with Houdini 1.5, although I haven't gotten tablebase functionality to work yet.


Interesting line which I thought drew for white

LongIslandMark wrote:
TBentley wrote:

[...] it's interesting to note that Mark's position is a win with black to move). [...]

I must have poked the positon into the end-game database incorrectly - not sure what I was smoking that night, but doing it again today it's black to win with either black or white to move (from the position in post #4)

So, rather than the more complex lines posted by TBentley or FancyKnight, something more straightforward, just pushing the passed pawn and trading - looks like a win. Is there any reason to think starting with ...Re7 would not result in forcing the trades resuling in someting like the postion in post #4?

That position is a rare exception, usually that type would be drawn, for instance:


The king+bishop+rook pawn vs king endgame is a win (with trivial exceptions) if the bishop controls the promotion square. It is a draw if the bishop is of the opposite color and the opposing king can get to the corner, as in the following position:


















The black king cannot be forced out of the corner, so white cannot make progress without stalemating black.

However, in the specific positions earlier in the thread, black manages to keep the white king out of the corner, so it's a win.