
Ruy Lopez, exchange variation. Strategic game


I have been playing the Exchange variation of the Ruy Lopez these days (I am quite a novice at all this...). As I understand, the idea behind it is:

  1. to weaken Black's pawn structure
  2. to exchange queens and minor pieces
  3. win in a pure pawn-ending, taking advantage of White's better pawn structure.

Here are two successful attempts of this strategic plan. The first one is from a CC game and the second one is from a 10+1 blitz. Any comments and criticisms are very welcome!

(You may notice that White -me- blunders at the very last move of CC game. However, Black does not notice the blunder and resigns... lucky me!)

This is the CC game:


And this is the Blitz one:


nice....beautiful luck....Laughing