
Analysis Board


Where do I find instructions about the Analysis Board?

notmtwain and search for "Analysis Board"


@notmtwain Thanks!


Hiya pizzapier, you sorted with it?


I'm still lost on how to use the Analysis Board.  

Can anyone help?  @Troggie  Can you explain how to use the Analysis Board.


includes a link to a 10 minute video tutorial 

Have you watched the video?


1. Click on the Analysis Board button.

2. Move the pieces.

3. Click 'Current' to reset to the current position of your game.


pizzapier, kleelof is right. Just hit "Current" to reset to initial position, or use the < > to go back forward a move or two. You have to cut and paste variations to the "Notes" tab, if that's your thing.

Actually, is this the board you are talking about or is it the "Live Analysis" board - that I can't help with, but the tutorial that notmtwain pasted seems the right way to go.


Thanks everyone.  Your replies are much appreciated.

This looks like a project, but I'll study it with the new info.

What do you use the Analysis Board for, if at all?


Hi pizzapier; it is useful during online games (correspondence style) to check candidate moves and variations to find the best move.

Use it; other players do. It's why it's there. Smile


I'm trying to wean myself off of the analysis board, because it doesn't help at all when trying to visualize lines of play OTB.  I'm getting better since I'm not using it that much now, but it's still helpful to work out combinations of moves when I'm tired and it's hard to visualize piece movement.

N2UHC skrev:

I'm trying to wean myself off of the analysis board, because it doesn't help at all when trying to visualize lines of play OTB.  I'm getting better since I'm not using it that much now, but it's still helpful to work out combinations of moves when I'm tired and it's hard to visualize piece movement.

I think analysis board has helped me improve visualize because I know what to calculate now. after using the analysis board you can still go through the variation in your head.


Thanks everyone!  I only need some time now to study the Analysis Board.  I can't get to it as soon as I like, because of a flurry of activity on the homefront.