
Chess rating success from players


I am rated 2000 Elo but I am a youth player. Its much easier to improve for me. 2 years ago I got 500 Elo points in 1 year. Now my goal is to reach 2200 and then try to get at least the FM title.


Jimmykay: Chigorin and Salwe started very late and became one of the top chess players

Till_98: Thanks for the reply & good luck



Both Chigorin and Salwe were from the 1800's. Things are not the same now. It is not possible in the modern era. I do not think that you will find a single GM who started after age 19 who was born after 1960.

I really think that it is categorically impossible today.


I started playing april 2013 (roughly 1 year ago). Back then, I had a rating of ~800. It took less than a month and I was stable around 1100. Having played quite a lot during the summer 2013 I managed to break 1300, and during the fall (sometime by october) I was at 1400. The time went by and in december I was 1500, and right now I'm around 1600. So basically in a year this is how far i've come. This is blitz though.