
Chess rating system


I usually play on the ICC that is the premium chess site. I am playing people here rated 1250 who are playing like people on the ICC who are 1800 plus. I can only presume people here are using software and if I want to play against software I can do so using my own. Is this site monitoring the use of software and is there not a box people tick which says they won't use it. Some sites do give the option of computer assistance maybe that is needed here. Then those of us who don't want to play computers can avoid those that do. 






What is the maximuim rating you could ever recieve in USCF.


Hey brady;  I actually ask this question in another thread (highest possible rating);  maybe 3600-3800 is my guess


A quick question on a customer's Tactics rating:  without going into technical detail, how good a predictor of one's USCF or Glicko-web rating is this Tactics Rating?

Thank you.


Unfortunately this may not be very close to their actual USCF rating. This happens because of items like time management during a rated game, just as one example. Some times people just don't do as well under stress during a real game or simply don't look for tactics at the right time during a rated game. Using the tactics trainer your always looking for tactics while using it. That does not always equal the person looking for potential tactics while in that rated game. 


Hi just a query........ how does sometimes game ends in DRAW automatically even when players concerned haven't opt for it or haven't repeated same moves thrice....particularly when there is time left and valid attacking pieces(Rook and knight along with pawn) on board...
It happenned twice starting ''Game drawn due to insufficient material''


hay alguien español?:-)


o argentino

viswanathan wrote:
turtle wrote: i am starting to understand the rating system, but how do you determine points during a game? are certain peices worth different points? 

turtle, the general points system followed is as follows:

pawn - 1pt.

knight/bishop - 3pts.

rook - 5pts.

queen - 10pts.

of course points are not everything... the position of your piece also matters.. for example you might not mind losing a bishop or rook to save a pawn on the 7th row.. and points dont have any bearing on the game result.. it is just a basic framework to help beginners understand the value of different pieces

        Actually,if you check "Details" during a game, you will see that the Queen is given 9 points, not 10.


How can you say check mate isnt possible? I can still move my rook, free up pawns and get it promoted. Is this a computer thing?

klought9 wrote:

How can you say check mate isnt possible? I can still move my rook, free up pawns and get it promoted. Is this a computer thing?

If one side has potential checkmating material but the other does not, and the side that has the material runs out of time, this can happen.  The side without the material can't win because they don't have enough material for checkmate, but the side that ran out of time can't win because they ran out of time.  So it's a draw.


I am wanting to buy Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition (11th) for PC does anybody have it that no longer uses and is willing to sell? Price completely negotiable!

Its for a present and i need it as soon as possible 

Anybody who can help me????? Pretty please?


Holly xxxx


get pleasure from chess!


playing in is getting uncomfortable... it disconnects in the middle of the game , and when you are almost winning... is there anything the opponent got to do with it?


chess prodigy is right at the start youre rating is gets up by 200 points and falls down 200 points and after 20-30 games if you beat a player higher rated 300-400 points you would barley get 30 points and when you start happens somthing like what chessprodigy sad you will be left back with a inacurret rating when its hard to find someone higher rated that will accpet your challenge


Hi all chess is a great game .....code 123 Mh-370


seriously 1700 comments? lol


I've been playing for three weeks now and my rating is 1479 and recently I haven't been playing strong players how do I get my rating up